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Sign in With Apple and 'Hide my Email'
Sign in With Apple and 'Hide my Email'

This article explains Sign in with Apple. And 'hide my email' option if you don't recognize the email on your pliability account.

Updated over 2 years ago

If our support team (or yourself) can not locate your active account, you may have signed up signed up using 'hide my email'. Here is how to check:

From your iPhone go to Settings > [your name] > iCloud > Hide My Email.

Search for pliability and the email ending in is the email your account is under.

If you signed up via this method and would like to sign in with your regular email, send us the privaterelay email your account is under along with the email you'd like to use to sign in. Note: After changing your email you will no longer use the 'Sign in with Apple' button and will be signing in with a normal email and password.


Sign in with Apple gives users the ability to use an anonymous email address. When a user provides such an address to an app, the private relay email service routes all emails between the app and the user.

A private relay email service sends email to a recipient using an automatically generated email address. This hides the real email address to preserve privacy.

Private relay email addresses have the following characteristics:

  • They end in

  • They route emails to one of the Apple ID’s verified email addresses.

  • They’re active whether or not the user is signed into a device, and whether or not your app is installed on the device. You may send and receive email to the private email address at any time.

What is Hide my email?

Hide My Email lets you create unique, random email addresses to use with apps, websites, and more so your personal email can stay private. It's built in to Sign in with Apple and iCloud+.

Hide My Email is a service that lets you keep your personal email address private whether you're creating a new account with an app, signing up for a newsletter online, or sending an email to someone you don't know well.

There are two key ways to use Hide My Email: With Sign in with Apple, which lets you create an account using a randomly-generated email address directly within a supported third-party app or website. Or with iCloud+, which lets you generate as many random email addresses as you need on your device, in Safari, or on, which you can use for whatever site or purpose you choose.

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